Dokyala Taap Nako - A Marathi Podcast

आई - You are a Hero Bro!

Priyanka, Shruti Season 3 Episode 4

You are a Hero bro episodes are always special but this one was our special favorite. Today we finally managed to bring our moms on board with us. It feels like a journey when you keep listening to the episode. Our incredible, independent and most favorite people just had a blast during the shoot.  The episode is a ride where you witness two different journeys, two different personalities with two different circumstances which altogether sums up in one beautiful word “Inspiring”. 

In the episode, Shru’s Mom rightly said that we think our listeners will take it with them.  “That in young age, we have amazing willpower, robustness, flexibility, and courage which helps us to walk that extra mile to bring that happiness, to do things fearlessly and it is that phase of life where everything is possible and we can do everything. Just have the will of doing it!”. Whereas on the other hand, Pri’s Mom concluded the episode with a line that “No day is going to last forever. Neither the bad ones nor the good ones. So take one day at a time and shine through it.”

Listening to their stories and sharing them with you all makes us so proud that, life put them in many difficult situations but each time they showed courage and fought back against the problems. They are the living legends of our lives. 

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