Dokyala Taap Nako - A Marathi Podcast

निष्पाप [Purity]

Priyanka, Shruti Season 3 Episode 7

Have you anytime questioned somebody when they compliment you? Does not the thought, that maybe they need something, cross your mind at least for a split second? Or how do you feel when somebody expresses their love without any special occasion? or maybe something else! These are the doubts we have been living our entire life, making them our reality. In today’s world, we have always doubted people when they say something good. We always think twice before accepting a good gesture, whether it is a smile, a gift, or for that matter even a compliment. However, there are people around us who are selflessly doing their own thing of helping others in their own small way without even knowing the more enormous impact they have on this society.

It is indeed very simple. Doing good things for others without expecting anything in return and doing this as your daily activity will slowly become your lifestyle. So next time when someone compliments you, give them one back! Start with small things.

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