Dokyala Taap Nako - A Marathi Podcast

आत्ता नको [Power of saying 'No']

Priyanka, Shruti Season 3 Episode 8

This episode is our personal favorite. We are sure you all will agree with what we are about to discuss. Remember that incident, a friend or a colleague who made you say “Yes” for something you weren’t ready for? Unfortunately, in this not-so-perfect world, there are some humans around us that are hard to deal with. Because they not only push us to do something entirely out of our way but also successfully make us feel guilty about it. On some paths of our lives, we all meet such types of people. But we should never forget saying “No” is a beautiful power that we all have and we should use it before it’s too late. Instead of finding the reason behind the “No” respect the decision and stop taking it personally. Because saying “No” is a choice.

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